About Me

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I love life, as it is, with ups and downs, with laughs and tears!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Let me try it again

I started this blog a long time ago, I did not have clear what I wanted to do with it, and still I created it. I have been through ups and downs, just like everybody else, so I decided to try again and see if I can keep up, I will try to write whatever happens in my life that I consider important or that can benefit someone else... I will try :)

So far I am about to finish my Masters... it is two more weeks of this class and my student teaching time after that... it has been hard! Quite a journey, especially if we consider that I have four little ones and a grumpy husband... not impossible though!

My son is progressing little by little with his cochlear implant journey, it requires a lot of work, hours of therapy, patience, and love... but it is worth it!!!!

I will stop this blah, blah here because I must do stuff around the house but I will be back...!